Hip Replacement

You can find everything you wonder about hip replacement surgery in our content, and you can clear the question marks in your mind!

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What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

The hip joint consists of two structures. One of them is in the form of a ball, while the other consists of a slot. The head of the thigh bone defines this part we call the ball. The socket is made up of bone and cartilage. Hip replacement surgery also aims to replace the damaged ball and socket. Thus, the old structure is replaced by a new and durable synthetic structure.

It is very important that hip replacement surgeries are performed by experienced doctors who have done successful studies in this field. In this respect, hip replacement surgeries in Turkey are among the most preferred surgical operations due to the experience of orthopedic doctors and the numerous successful applications they have performed in this field.

What is Total Hip Replacement?

Total hip replacement is the process of placing a prosthesis in the part of the pelvis where the pit is located. A metal or ceramic prosthesis is used for this. In this procedure, the top part of the thigh bone, which forms the upper end, is also changed. Metal or ceramic parts are used for this. Thus, the two double faces of the joint are replaced with artificial joints.

The attached parts are held together by a substance called bone cement. However, there are also types in which the bone can be adhered to the bone without using cement. For this choice, the doctor must first examine the patient’s health status. This procedure is a painless and comfortable type of treatment for the patient. The operation is performed by open surgical method. The doctor makes an incision in the most suitable place. The duration of the operation usually varies between 2-2 and 5 hours. After the procedure, the patient should rest in the hospital for the first 3 days.

Our experienced orthopedic doctors can have your total hip replacement surgery in Turkey. You can take a happy step towards a healthy life.

What are the Types of Hip Replacement?

There are two different kinds. Total prosthesis, known as knee prosthesis, is the most commonly used method. In this type of treatment, both the hip bone and the socket are replaced. Another type is the partial technique. In this type of treatment, a single hip bone is repaired. Depending on the patient’s health status, one of the two techniques is chosen.

Who Is Hip Replacement Surgery Performed?

This surgery is usually performed by patients between the ages of 50-80. Patients usually refer to this surgery for the treatment of hip arthritis. Arthritis, a disease that breaks down the cartilage, causes the bones to rub against each other, causing severe pain to the patient.

This procedure can be applied for 3 types of arthritis:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis - an autoimmune disease that causes joint inflammation,
  • traumatic arthritis – joint damage that occurs when the person is injured in some way,
  • Osteoarthritis – a type of degeneration usually seen in older people.

For the problem of arthritis, the doctor usually recommends the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. Patients may also receive assistance from a walker or cane. Exercise should not be neglected in this case. However, if all these are applied, it may be necessary to get help from the hip joint prosthesis. Thus, patients can regain their former comfort.

Hip prostheses can also be preferred for many other different situations. The presence of a tumor in the hip joint is one of these conditions. In case of hip or thigh fracture, hip replacement may be required.

Successful operations are carried out in this field in most of the health institutions in Turkey. After the examinations and tests performed by the orthopedic specialist, the procedures are carried out successfully when the suitability of the patients for hip prosthesis is determined. Orthopedic doctors in Turkey draw attention with their success in this field.

What are the Risks of Hip Replacement Surgery?

This surgery can have many different risks. Among these, vascular-nerve injuries are most common during surgery. Failure to place fractures and prostheses properly is another risk. It is possible that some risks may occur after the surgery. Clot formation in the vein, infection and wound healing problems can also be seen. Some people may experience pain after surgery. In some cases, the surgery may need to be repeated.

What Should Be Done During the Preparation Process for Abdominoplasty?

In order to be suitable for surgery, the physician will have some demands. These must be followed in order to avoid any problems during the operation. Smokers should stop smoking 4 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery.

Care should be taken not to stay in the sun, especially the abdomen should be protected from the sun. Those who take vitamin E supplements and use blood thinners should also discontinue use under the supervision of a doctor. It is also a wrong choice to enter heavy diets in order to increase the success before the surgery. A healthy diet should not be surprising, and the body should not be weakened by heavy diets.

It should be kept in mind that an infection, cold or other illness seen before the surgery may also cause the surgery to be delayed. Therefore, the person who has decided on this procedure should pay attention to his health before the operation.

How is Hip Replacement Surgery Performed?

Unless there is a situation that requires urgent intervention, this surgery is usually planned a few weeks in advance. This time is determined by the doctor depending on the patient’s state of health. Patients with excess weight are expected to lose their excess weight first. People who use blood thinners should stop using the drug for a certain period of time before the surgery. During the operation, the patient’s movements will be limited. Patients should consider this before surgery. People should also never force themselves physically after the surgery.

On the day of the surgery, patients should stop eating and drinking after midnight. On the day of the operation, the patient’s controls are made first, and then the patient is prepared for the operation with the help of a nurse. Anesthesia is used for the surgery so that the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. Since anesthesia is used for this surgery, patients should inform their doctor in advance if they have heart or lung conditions. Accordingly, anesthesia can be applied locally or generally. The operation is completed in an average of 2-2.5 hours.

Hip replacement surgeries in Turkey are performed by experienced and successful orthopedic doctors at affordable prices.

After Hip Replacement Surgery

After surgery, patients are first taken to a recovery area for a few hours. In this place, the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, pain level and medication need are monitored. Most patients need to rest in the hospital for the first 2-3 days.
There are some important points to be considered after the surgery. These are as follows:

Preventing Blood Clots

Blood clots can be seen in the legs after surgery. This is a preventable condition. For this, patients are recommended to walk with crutches after surgery. It is a good option for patients to wear compression stockings in this process. Also, wearing inflated air sleeves prevents blood from pooling in the leg veins. This is a condition that reduces the formation of clots. Finally, the doctor performing the surgery will prescribe you either injected or oral blood thinners. When all these are taken into account, the incidence of blood clots decreases.


Physical therapy is very helpful in accelerating recovery. For this, you can go to the hospital or the exercises can be done at home. This way, joints and muscles can get stronger again more quickly. With physical therapy trainings, you can also learn how to walk with walking aids such as canes and crutches

Healing at Home

After the surgery, your doctor will inform you about what you need to pay attention to in your new life. It is very helpful to have a companion with the patient during the recovery period. Since patients may have difficulty walking, especially in the first few days, it is good to have someone who cooks for them.

Apart from that, it can help you to keep the items that you constantly use in your daily life close by. That way, you don’t have to get up as often.
During this period, patients should also avoid bending over or lying down. For this reason, high-floored toilet bowls should be preferred if possible. Another point to be considered is to be careful not to go up or down the stairs.

After the first 6 to 12 weeks after the surgery, you should see your doctor again for control. Thus, it can check whether your prostheses heal properly or not. The recovery period is only completed within the first 6-12 months after the surgery.
With the adaptation of the new hip joint to the body, the pain felt by the patients before the surgery is greatly reduced.

Thus, patients can move more easily. However, patients should still act with caution in this case. Activities such as high-tempo sports can put too much strain on your joints. For this reason, you should give your body time to not put too much strain on your joints. For this, you can choose light sports such as golf walking and swimming.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hip Replacement Surgery

How Many Months Does Hip Replacement Heal?

The recovery period after surgery is 3 or 4 weeks on average. After the healing process, you can easily repeat the movements you did before the surgery, such as cross-legged, cross-legged. However, these movements should not be done before the healing process is completed.

Is There an Age Limit for Hip Replacement Surgery?

There is no certain age limit for surgery. However, there must be a special condition for the operation to be performed in early adulthood. This surgery is generally needed by middle-aged and older people. Anyone who meets the necessary health conditions can have hip replacement surgery. The important point is that the patient has completed bone development.

How Long Is the Life of the Hip Replacement?

In order for the prosthesis to have a long life, the surgeon performing the surgery must be an expert in the field and use quality equipment for the operation. Life-long use of the prosthesis to be made should be aimed. A quality prosthesis can usually be used for at least 15 years without any problems. Some patients can use their prostheses for 30 years or more.

In order for the prosthesis to have a long life, certain controls must be made at a certain frequency. Thus, only certain parts can be replaced when necessary and not all parts need to be replaced again. The life of a prosthesis that is replaced for the second time is almost the same as the previous one.

What Happens When the Hip Replacement Life Ends?

The prosthesis, which expires, begins to give pain to the patient. In this case, loosening or wear of the prosthesis may be caused. In such a case, the parts must be replaced. However, the second operation is usually more difficult than the first.

Does Hip Replacement Cause Pain?

Pain is experienced when muscles and tissues are damaged after surgery. However, this is a normal situation. Muscles and tissues take time to heal. Therefore, there is no need to worry. This does not prevent you from exercising and doing sports.

What Happens If the Prosthesis Loosens?

Loose prostheses cause severe pain to patients. This causes a noticeable deterioration in the physiology of the patient. In this case, a shortening of 3 to 8 cm can be seen in the legs of the patient.

How to Take a Bath After Hip Replacement Surgery?

Patients should not take a bath in the first 2 weeks after surgery. After this time, you can take a shower.

For Whom Are Hip Prostheses Made with Cement and for Whom Without Cement?

Cementless hip prostheses are generally applied to young patients. The prosthesis, which is firmly attached to the bone, allows the patient’s bones to fuse with the prosthesis. Because of poor bone quality in elderly patients, this method is usually applied to younger patients. Bone cement is used for elderly patients. Thus, the bone and prosthesis are fixed with a special filling material. A well-made cemented prosthesis gives similar results to a properly made cementless prosthesis.

How Should Running and Walking be After Prosthetic Surgery?

After the operation, restriction of the movements of the patients may be observed. This is a normal situation. The patient should perform walking tests gradually. You can get help from walkers for this. Walker assistance is usually terminated within the first 23 weeks. In order to run, the healing process must be completed

Why Does the Prosthesis Cause Pain?

The prosthesis causes pain if it loosens. In such a case, the surgery may need to be repeated.

How Many Hours Does Prosthetic Surgery Take?

The operation varies between 2-2.5 hours on average. However, this period may take between 1-2 hours.

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